Saturday, December 29, 2007

12 days of dreaming - day 4

On the 4th day of dreaming
I bring you the 4 essential questions to ask yourself each time you need to make a decision.

Whenever you are presented with any kind of a decision, it could be a decision to embrace an idea or to start a business, or it could be a decision about any situation or opportunity that comes into your life, simply ask yourself these 4 questions:

Is this thing something that I want to be, do or have?
Is being doing or having this going to take me in the direction I wish to go?
Is being, doing or having this in harmony with the laws of the universe (will it add life to me and to others?)
Is being, doing or having this going to violate the rights of others? (ie. Does it take away their ability to make a choice?)

If the answer is ‘yes’ to the first three questions and ‘no’ to the forth then let nothing else hold you back. Commit fully to the decision and act on it immediately.

This technique comes from David Neagle.
David says that most people get stuck here because they ask:
How is it going to happen.? It is not your job to know how! A leap of faith is required. Once you decide you are going to do something all of the ways of how you are going to do this, all the opportunities to make it happen begin to show up, but only if you commit fully. The trick also is to see these opportunities for what they are and embrace them as they arise.

We are raised to listen to the voice of caution, to concerns, fears, irrational beliefs and this flips us back in the direction we don’t wish to go in.
Do you have the awareness to see the gift in whatever it is you are attracting? If you do, you can transform your life really quickly. (Everything you attract is an opportunity, where is the hidden gift?)

Listen to my interview with David and take advantage of his 2 incredible gifts downloadable here.

Here's a big tip: generally whatever you are resisting most is your next step.

How come?

Whenever you ask a question, the answer is already in front of you.
If you are not seeing what this is, you are resisting changing something.
Generally the next step is whatever you are resisting most!

To summarise the process:
If you ask for something you are given an opportunity to grow towards what you seek.

The trick is:
Recognise the opportunity (you either do or don’t)
Make a committed decision (if you procrastinate it takes longer)
Learn to adapt and grow so that you can see the next opportunity….

If you don’t see the opportunity or act on it, there will always be another.
The only difference is it will take longer to get to where you want to be.

What is controlling your decision making with regard to where you are taking your own life?

As Napoleon Hill said, ‘Somewhere in your makeup there lies sleeping the seed of achievement which if aroused and put into action will carry you to heights you may never had hoped to attain.’

How to become aware of your inner spark? The highest expression of who you are?
How can you positively impact on other people’s lives? What is it that you can offer to the world? Your life purpose is visible in your fingerprints. To find out more, go here

Happy dreaming!

Summary of 12 days of dreaming

Day 1 - ‘as a man thinketh’ ebook download
Day 2 - the most important quote this millennium
Day 3 - parable of the three big rocks Day 4 - making decisions
Day 5 - finding your core desire
Day 6 - knowing your conscious mind
Day 7 – the seven laws of the universe
Day 8 – how to change your luckDay 9 – your nine environments
Day 10- tapping into your genius mind
Day 11 - stepping beyond your comfort zone
Day 12 - the 12 month, 24 hour grace shower

To learn how to read your own hands and use this information to transform your life,join my member's site for only $28 per month.

Please click on the envelope below if you want to share this blog with a friend. This is a completely private communication. Even I won't know you've done it!

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Is God on holiday?

I read this amazing quote the other day:

Holding a grudge against someone is like taking poisonand then waiting for the other person to die!

This is so true it isn't even funny!

We poison ourselves all the time and then wait for others to die, or to rescue us or to do something, anything……wring their hands, shake their heads, write a poem, applaud?

So what has manipulative behaviour got to do with God being on holiday? Stay with me a minute, I'll explain.

I remember as a child seeing a movie about an extremely manipulative woman. Her final 'piéce de resistance' was to kill herself so that the others felt eternally guilty. I remember being blown away by the idea that someone would actually go through with this.

Bit of a gamble don't you think? What if they didn't feel guilty but instead cracked open some champagne and celebrated? You can't exactly come back and say, hey mate, I think you missed the whole point here! Or bonk them over the head (well, as far as I know you can't but then we'll never know will we?)

Thinking about manipulation reminds me of those Skinner box experiments they do with pigeons and mice and other animals. I remember once watching a video of pigeons playing ping pong just because they knew they'd get a food pellet at the end. There's that classic one where Skinner (or whoever) wanted to go away on holiday and dreamt up a scheme to leave all his highly trained animals unattended. He put the pellet feeding devices onto a timer. Every half an hour or so a pellet would pop out into the food tray irrespective of what the animal happened to be doing at the time.

When Skinner (or whoever) arrived back from holiday he/she came back to a wonderous sight. All the animals were doing really bizarre things and each one something completely different. One animal was turning in circles, thinking that this is what caused the pellets to arrive. Another was hopping on one foot, another was lying on its back kicking thin air, another plucking out its own feathers or whatever…you get the picture. Basically the animals thought that whatever activity they were doing when a pellet arrived was what caused the pellets to drop so they kept doing it until another pellet dropped... ad infinitum. Which just goes to prove they had the system cracked, didn't they?

So, maybe it's the same with us. Maybe every now and then God actually goes off on holiday and puts the pellet dropping device on a timer. We think the pellet's dropping because….well…you tell me?!

Superstitious? Who me? Manipulative? Who me?

I think being manipulative is what defines humanity. Let's blame it all on our opposable thumbs. We are built to be manipulative. To break and re-make things around us.

We've even taken this idea to its logical extreme. Our thumbs are an illusion. What we actually do with them is just a shadow play of our thoughts.

I think the real question is, do we act or re-act?
What are the real reasons behind the choices we make?
To what extent are we proactive rather than just reactive?
That's the basic choice we face every moment.
What's motivating us?
Need to control or need to be?
Fear or fun/love/trust?

If the pellets are coming out anyway we may as well be doing something that gives us pleasure and a deep sense of fulfillment.

It sure beats pulling out our own feathers.
Or someone else's.

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