Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hand analysis workshops in Switzerland

I'll be running two workshops in Switzerland this October.

Learn to read your own hands and fingerprints:
11 and/or 12 October in Sternenberg, Canton Zurich.
Find out more here: Learn to read your own hands and fingerprints

Also, together with Laurene Schaerer-Lindstrom,
a powerful Life Purpose Vision Workshop.

Laurene is an Electromagnetic Field Balancing Technique practitioner and gifted healer. In this workshop we'll be combining our talents to bring you an awesome array of tools and techniques for working with your life purpose, clarifying intent and putting together a clear action plan to follow through on your dreams.

Life Purpose Vision Workshop:
31 October/1 November in Aarau.
Find out more here: Life Purpose Support Workshop

Warning: this weekend could change your life!

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Is your nose right after all?

A friend of mine has a really special nose.
I swear she must have stolen it from
the sphinx. It's as broad as it is long
and it looks just like a pyramid.
Full of secrets and with an energy of its own.

It doesn't just sit there like other noses
frozen in the spotlight.
Instead, it expresses itself.

How so?

It flares up and butts in
just when you least expect it to.
And, on those rare occasions when it stands
firm, that's when it really makes a point.

Because this is how it reveals thoughts
that run in flagrant opposition to whatever
its owner is actually saying at the time.

So, when I'm not sure who to believe,
I always go with the nose!

The sad thing about this masterpiece is that its
owner thinks it needs fixing.

It's not the airbrushed variety one sees gracing
the glossies.

Why am I telling you this?

The other day I read this amazing quote:

“We only need to heal until we realize that we have
been just fine all along...
As soon as we say, 'I'm done fixing myself!'
Then we can really get on with things, forgetting the healing,
and beginning the revealing.” ~ Robin Rice ~

Fact is, there really is nothing wrong with you, or any part of you.
You are not flawed. There's nothing to fix but plenty to discover.

If you'd like to listen to a healing meditation by Rice
on this topic go here:

We get taught at a really early age to
focus on what's wrong with us, rather than what's right.
And it's not just our physical bodies under attack.

We 're progressively conditioned to feel smaller than
who we really are, inadequate and incomplete.

You can tell when children have had this lesson one
time too often, because that's when the light goes right
out of their eyes.

It's a kind of ripening process. Or rather a rotting.
You're ripe for the picking as soon as the rot sets in.


Because suddenly you're ripe for marketers to
sell you anything that might fix you. A myriad
magic potions and other recipes for completion.

Buy this and you'll be ok. Rub this cream on
your nose and you'll be loved.
Or maybe only a bright red Ferrari will do the trick?

Actually it's not your nose you need to fix
but your focus.

And your ability to really see yourself clearly in all your

You are a beautiful being. Perfect just as you are.
And far more wonderful than you imagine.

This is something you already know deep down in
your heart of hearts.

So how can you shift your focus?

Start listening to your nose more closely.

Acknowledge yourself where others don't.

Also, be nosy about yourself in a positive way.

Stick your nose into all your own business
and catch yourself each time you do something right
rather than something wrong. And give yourself
enough pleasure to make your nose flare each time,
no matter how small the act may seem.

Success is a process, not a destination.
And every step in the right direction deserves applause.

One of the best ways to acknowledge yourself is to get
your hands analysed.

Your hands show you what's right with you.

Your incredible potential. Your gifts, strengths or talents
and what you have to do to bring your higher
possibilities into the sunshine.

To treat yourself to a profound self awakening experience,
go here:

And as for your nose?
Trust it and follow it.
And allow it to shine more often.
It's magnificent and it nose it.
(sorry, couldn't resist!)
; )


send me a picture of your own magnificent conk
before Friday 26 September
and I'll give you a 20% discount on your next session.

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Are you a boy or a girl?

When I was 16 my sister tried to turn me into a girl.


She sat on top me and, ignoring my screams and pleas, plucked at the thick wild hedge that ran unbroken across my face, more or less where my eyes should be. She was merciless and didn’t give up until she’d tamed it into twin arches, each swooping dramatically above an eye. (They looked a bit like a flattened version of the McDonald’s logo.)

She also shaved my legs.

I felt raped and abused but at the same time curious about this new being peering out at me from the mirror. Who was she? How could someone be transformed so utterly and radically by the removal of a few hairs?

This was my first experience of shape shifting.

Suddenly boys looked at me differently. I wasn't on the same side any more.
This was the start of a disco bopping period for me where a young girl could easily tag along with her 18 and 20 year old sisters. By 17 I was cured. I’d witnessed the devastating effect of drugs, sex and alcohol simply by watching the trajectory of some of my sisters’ friends.

I turned into a book worm and joined the Women’s Lib movement on campus.

Having no bra to burn, I rebelled against my sister and society by growing back my eyebrows and leg hair.

Once during this period, someone’s 8 year old son checked me out for some time, his eyes flitting backwards and forwards between my face and legs. Eventually he gave up and simply asked: Are you a boy or a girl?

I acted nonchalant, but that very night went back to shaving my legs. How could an 8yr old boy whip me into line when even professors had failed?

Something similar happened in Vanuatu, years later. We were on the island of Tanna visiting a village on the slopes of an active volcano.

Our guide was a tall, exquisitely built ebony black man, dressed in nothing but a plaited banana leaf wrapped snugly round his penis (colloquially called a ‘numba’).
He looked me up and down (I was probably in shorts again). Then he dropped his bombshell:

‘How many chillun you gat?’

When I answered none, he sucked this information through his teeth, spat out the lump of kava root he’d been chewing all day and suddenly lost all interest in me. As a childless woman, I’d just been relegated to the rubbish dump of his society.

I swear my son Jules is all this man’s in a numba’s fault. He planted a seed in my brain that simply wasn’t there before. (Maybe I’ll go back to Vanuatu one day and claim alimony!)

Jokes aside, social contempt is a deadly weapon. If you did a head count you’d find it responsible for far more devastation than the atom bomb.

What has all this to do with your hands?

Changing or stopping yourself because of what others say or think shows up in different ways in your hands.

If you’re completely out of your own movie you’ll have a co-dependency line.
If you’re blocking yourself through concern about what others might think, you’ll probably have one or more Apollo attack lines.
To see what some of these markers look like go here:
(If you’d like to learn more about these lines, get my class on this topic here.

Several markers under the ring finger are related to reputation fears. My Apollo class, discusses the differences between these various markers. Purchase it here

If you have a star like formation on the end of your headline this is called desire pollution. When this marker shows up it indicates that you can’t tell your genuine wants from other people’s wishes for you. To see what this marker looks like, go here.

The best way to figure out what your real wants are is to get clear on what you really value in life. If your wants clash with your values, chances are they are not your wants but someone else’s.

If you’re not sure what your primary values are, here’s a list to get you started.

I’m off to South Africain a few days. I’ll be writing a separate post about my SA agenda later today.

Wishing you a happy week,

PS: If you’d like to learn more about hands and how they can help you transform your life and the lives of others, join my monthly mastermind. Or purchase 6 of the previous classes, here.

PSS: to have your hands read wherever you are in the world, go here.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are you putting the cart before the horse?

God has been washing cows virtually non-stop in Switzerland for several days now. They're all squeaky clean again and they've been given their bells back.

Which is probably why you haven't heard that much from me recently - my brain is busy being re-tuned for summer.

Offline I've been exploring topics related to deep democracy and how to get all your sub personalities pulling in the same direction.

Actually what has really been going on is that each of my sub personalities has been trying to write this article all on its own, from his or her very own point of view, so I've got several different drafts going on with apparently no common thread.

I guess the main issue is cows and carts and how we humans often have these things back to front without realizing it. And how this explains why sometimes the cart doesn't depart even under severe pressure.

I think the person who understood cows and the universe more than anyone else on this planet was Gary Larson. My favorite GL cartoon of all time is the one of a cow couple in their living room.

Do you know it?

The 'husband' cow is sitting in front of the TV nursing a beer. The 'wife' has a string of pearls around her neck and is standing, gazing longingly out the window. They obviously have a very cozy home with all the usual trimmings. But she has just said to him: 'Harold, I am not content!'
Naturally the poor fellow has a look of perplexed horror on his face.

I think this cartoon pretty much sums up life on this planet for we humans. We think we'll be happy once we have x or y or z. And then when we actually get it, oops, maybe this wasn't what we really wanted after all because we still feel the same.

Luckily we have a few wise souls around who've apparently achieved total detachment. What this actually means is that they finally had enough of all the pushing and shoving to stand back at last and take in the whole scenario from a distance.

From where they're standing it's pretty obvious we've got things back to front in more ways than one. This is what they've been trying to tell us all these years but most of us just won't have it.

So how have we got the cart before the cow?

Here are 5 ways I know of. Each can stop your cart dead in its track unless you turn the whole thing the other way round.

The first is to do with making happiness conditional. We think we first have to do something/succeed (get a divorce, whatever) then we can be happy. Actually it's the other way round. Happiness precedes success. You can be happy right now instead of first waiting for the cows to come home. And more likely it will cause them to want to come home because they'll sense your good vibes.

It's hard to admit that we have total choice over our emotions. All we actually have to do to change how we are feeling is make another choice.

I remember the first time this dawned on me. It was about a zillion years ago when I was a young student sitting in the library cramming for an exam in abnormal psychology. The more cases I read the more depressed I got. I was pretty sure I had every single one of those terrible mental conditions described in the textbook, including a simple personality! Eventually I could take it no more and I went off to drown my sorrows in the student canteen. At the entrance there was a photo display of a squatter camp in Cape Town called Crossroads. I was absolutely shocked by the photos. Not because of the squalor or poverty but because everyone looked so happy! These beautiful black and white photos of joyous smiling faces on people who owned absolutely nothing cured me in a flash of about 100 different conditions of schizophrenia, psychosis, various manias etc. I was deeply humbled and grateful at the same time. There was nothing wrong with me or my life whatsoever and I chose to be happy instead of sad from that moment on, just like the beautiful people in the photos. Byron Katie's book: Loving What Is, is a good resource for this technique.

Something similar is putting your whole life on hold until X or Y happens. The next time you blink you're in a rocking chair wishing you'd lived your life instead of just intending to.

Thirdly, is the idea 'seeing is believing'. Apparently we have this completely back to front and even scientists, whose credibility hangs on this premise, are beginning to come round to the possibility that actually the opposite is true: believing is seeing.

Fourthly, is the idea that making mistakes should be avoided. We think we need to be perfect before we get the show on the road. In fact it's the other way round, practice makes perfect. You can't improve without feedback and you can't get feedback without practice.

Number 5 is the one that really blows my mind. This is called Ho'oponopono. Basically what it means is that whatever your husband says or does (or even thinks!) really is totally and absolutely all your fault!! Well, I'm kidding, and I'm not. Ho'oponopono is the Hawaiian code of forgiveness.

Have you ever heard of a guy from Hawaii called Dr Len? Apparently he cured a whole ward full of dangerous criminals just by working on himself, deciding what part of himself each of these criminals was reflecting and saying 'I love you I am sorry.' You can read more about this here.

Everything that shows up in your life is a fragment of you. The more you change in the inside the more this is reflected in the world and people around you.

I think the best way to understand this whole situation is to think of a hall full of mirrors. If you don't show up yourself, the hall will be empty.

As soon as you reach out, then so does the whole hall/ world that surrounds you.

Cart before cow? We usually think it works the other way around. If someone else loves and supports me then I will to.

How can hands help with making your cart go forwards?

Your hands are the interface between you and the world. Think of them as your rear view mirrors. If you can see a cow in them you're facing the wrong way (only kidding!) Your hands are mirrors and they can show you when you're busy putting your lipstick on your eyebrow instead of slightly lower down.

Now why didn't you tell me sooner it was a horse's behind I should be looking at and not a cow's? Don't tell me this is all my fault! I already know it!
; )

Hand analysis tip:

What do wrong way round carts look like on hands?

They look just like little carts but from an aerial perspective.
If you have a box on your heart line under the middle finger
this means you feel like you're in a logistic logjam,
boxed in by the details of your every life.
If you have cross hatching inside this box then the situation is much more extreme. Time to have your hands read!

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Know your clients at a glance - palmistry class

Just to let you know that the April Hand Analysis Online
Mastermind class takes place in a few hours.

Topic: Know your clients at a glance.

We'll be discussing hand shape, thumb and finger

You'll learn how to communicate differently with
clients depending on their temperament and
communication needs.

Date: Monday 21 April 2008.

Time: 9pm Switzerland/Central Europe and SA, 3pm EST,
12 noon PST

If you wish to attend this class or have access to the replay
please sign up on the member's page:

A recording of the class will be mailed to all members later in
the week.

The purpose of this mastermind group is to teach you to
understand the language of hands as quickly and simply as

There are several other advantages to joining the group.

Here are just some:
When you sign in you will be sent inked sheets so that your
prints can be discussed during in the classes.
You'll learn what your life purpose and life lessons are.
You can download the basics immediately plus several free
You can access important reference books, such as Gift Markings
for highly reduced prices.
Also, for a limited time, Beth's 80% discount on her 10 finger
zones classes will still be available to members of my
mastermind study group.

If you are serious about learning the language of hands,
join us on the call later today. Or sign up and get the CD sent
to you to listen to at your leasure.

We look forward to having you with us in the class.

Happy week,

PS: To register for tonight's call, become a member here:

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