Friday, October 3, 2008

Are you a multi-tasker? The HAL headline giftmarker

If you have a long straight headline that goes almost
to the edge of your palm but not over it, you're built better than
the rest of us for multi-tasking. Still it doesn't mean
this good for you!
(See my newsletter or blog on the dangers of multitasking titled:
Are you trying to cook this and read your dinner at the same time? )

What is a HAL headline?

This is a gift marker first identified by Richard Unger of the International Institute of Hand Analysis.

Unger named this headline after Hal 9000, the super computer in the movie, “2001:
A Space Odyssey”.

This marker indicates special multi-tasking capabilities, an octopus-like brain: Analytical, data collecting and very resourceful.

If this is you, you need a big, complex job to keep your brain busy . Like the computer called HAL, you need many problem solving situations and lots of mental stimulation to to stay happy, otherwise boredom kicks in and you risk self destructing.

Most people under 42 who have this marker are still in the "shadow side" of this gift marker: under employment leads to boredom and dissatisfaction which in turn leads to creating tangled webs in relationships to keep your mind occupied.

* What to do if you have this marker?

* Learn to trust your brain’s enormous capacity and your unique problem solving
* Don’t underplay, underestimate or under utilize this capacity or your need for
* Don’t try to lessen yourself to keep others happy. In the end your unhappiness
will affect everyone around you.
* Use your gift or risk self destructing by creating problems that don’t exist.

Have you found this blog useful? Leave your comments below.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Are you a genius? Or a gifted writer?

If you’ve got three little vertical lines on your upper pinkie
on either hand these are called ‘lines of genius’.

Some days I look at my hand and get all excited to see them,
other days they disappear completely!

I’m thinking of just tattooing them in permanently.
At least then I’ll have one less thing to fret about!

Actually lines of genius have nothing to do with
being a genius. This is a gift marker that indicates a special
ability for mass communication.

If you have this marker and you’re not using it, you’ll know all
about it.

Because, if you’re not using this awesome talent, the shadow side
kicks in.

And what is the shadow side of this marker?
Going round in circles, one foot on the gas, the other on the

The solution?
There’s only one: Just do it! Start writing or public speaking today.

To find out more about this marker and other extra potential
markers in your hands, download the book here:

Let’s go back to my original question:
Are you a genius?

If you answered ‘no’ you are dead wrong.
Every human being is a genius; unfortunately we’ve just had this
knowledge knocked out of us at an early age. Usually by grade 1 teachers
who tried their damnedest to convince us of the opposite.

Each of us has equal access to source/the universal infinite
mind. All we have to do is learn to open the tap.

The way to do this is by quietening one’s mind.

If you’re anything like me, this is a lot easier said than done!
There are lots of ways to do this, active or passive. One simple
way is to count backwards from 50 focusing on your breath.
Counting on each breath.

Here’s an excellent affirmation from John Demartini.
Something he recommends you say to yourself every morning as you
wake up, and get your children to say:

‘I’m a genius and I apply my wisdom!’

Hey, let’s try it!
It costs nothing and well, I can’t see any disadvantages.

Happy tap dancing,

PS: To find out more about potential Gift Markings in your
hands, buy the ebook (142 pages) or printed version (92 pages)
This is currently the only place where one can download this
life-changing book.

PSS: If you’d like to learn how to use this information to help
transform your life and the lives of others join my mastermind
group with ongoing classes online.

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